Product Design

Form does not follow function, form is function, they are the same thing. The perfect object is rare and sells itself.

A balance of texture, shape, and function signifies quality and excellence. I have built a company around the excitement and joy that good design brings. Nothing excites me more than to bring beauty to a badly designed object. There is a design solution to every problem. The more difficult the problem, the more opportunity there is for interesting solutions. 

Designing an exciting form is only the first step to bringing a product to life. A great designer must understand production. It’s pointless to design a form that cannot be made efficiently. I have thirty years of experience making the objects I design. I am able to envision the production process, the tooling, the packaging, and the shipping container… everything is considered. I have experience running CNC machines and designing injection molds and assembling a hundred beautiful objects in a day. In a world of increasing specialization, it’s rare to find a product designer with my depth of knowledge.